Educational Links

We have organized the pages of links into these four categories. Some links may appear in more than one place. Please browse around. We'd be happy to hear your suggestions for improvements or additions.

Miscellaneous Information
Look up your insurance company, or a company you are considering insuring with, to see how they rate. Use one of several medical calculators to find your Body Mass Index, a Prostate Symptom Scorer, estimate your calorie consumption and several others. Learn about the Human Genome Project and find Patient Handouts.
General Medical Interest
Sites here cover a variety of topics. Patience and persistence is the key, but you can almost always find the information you seek on at least one of these sites. This is a good place to start if you are not looking for very specific information. Look here for Travelers' Vaccination Information as well.
Medication Information
These sites help you find information about medications, including on-line pharmacies that may help you save money on your medications.
Disease Specific Information
This long list of sites is organized by disease state. For most of the diseases listed, there are at least three or four sites listed that focus on that disease.
Non-Medical Information
These sites have no medical relevance, or nearly none, but I like them anyhow and thought you might find them entertaining.